Friday, September 5, 2008

talking politics

At Heartlands, Jim is doing a series of lessons called "Text", encouraging us to just read our bibles. How can we know God and His will unless we listen to His word? I have been reading through the Old Testement as of late and am currently in 2nd Kings and there is a recurrent theme that's obvious, even to me...Pretty much every section starts with "King whoever was however old when he began and reigned for x-number of years...and he did evil in the Eyes of the Lord." That got me to thinking about this year's election...Often times we as Christians hear a lot about various candidates' moral stands on various issues...we get forwards sent to us about why we shouldn't vote for Obama because his parents were Muslums and his middle name is Hussein, etc. etc. I don't think God ever promised us a Godly you read through the bible more often than not the rulers were far from Godly. I'm not saying that one shouldn't take into account a person's position on abortion or the death penalty when deciding who to vote for, I'm just saying that God is in control...He will allow whoever He sees fit to be our president. One could argue that having an "ungodly" president would provide more opportunities for Christians to be vocal and shine in the darkness of the world. It is too easy to remain silent and complacent when policies we support are in place. Jesus said that we are blessed when we are can anyone persecute you if nobody knows what you believe?

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