Saturday, March 29, 2008

Hooray for Running

Today was the first race of the season. The State Farm Run was today. I did the 10 mile. I'm pretty happy with how I did (1 hour 38 min, 9:54 pace) seeing as how I haven't done much running at all since the marathon. I've been having a really hard time trying to figure out how to get in my running since I work all the time. My 2 options are either wake up really early and run before I head out to work for the day or stay up late and run before bed. I'm not a wake up early kinda guy, so that leaves running before bed, but I'm having a hard time keeping my motivation when bed is calling my name. I'm always glad when I make myself run, I just need to get myself in a routine.

I never in a million years would've thought I would enjoy running so much...I actually miss it when I don't get to run for a while. It feels so invigorating to get outside and get my legs going. Plus it's great meditative/prayer time. I'm not good at having "quiet time" with God at home because, well, we have a really big t.v. Running's great because there's no tv...just you and the you know, the whole health benefit...I remember when I first started I literally couldn't go further than like 3 houses down the block before I had to stop and walk because I thought I was going to die...I like seeing myself get in better shape so I can be healthy and be a good husband to Joyful, and someday instill a healthy lifestyle in our hypothetical child by setting a good example.

I also wanted to publicly say how impressed I am with Ave Pickering...he started running maybe 2 or 3 years ago and he's great! He's almost twice as old as me (sorry Ave), and he totally kicked my butt today. He had a 9:02 pace for 10 miles...crazy stuff...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Ave Pickering is a Beast!! God Bless You Todd.
Jim Tuttle