Monday, May 12, 2008

Hooray for functioning computers!

So a big thanks to Mickey who fixed the 'ole computer for us!!! It's up and running like new. Europe was a fabulous trip...we took a little over 2000 pictures on the digital and about 30 rolls of film. So on with the show!

The Eiffel Tower was amazing. We climbed the stairs up to the 2nd level...almost 700 stairs! Then we took the elevator all the way to the top. We had dinner that night at a little cafe near the tower and then went back so we could see it at night time. It was amazing at night time. Every hour on the hour it does a neat light show.

Notre Dame was awesome. We got to go up the towers to see the Gargoyles and everything.

The ruins in Rome were really fascinating. It was so neat to think of all the history that happened there. Just think, this is where Paul came to talk to Caesar!

The Collesium was neat to see. We didn't actually go in it, but it was neat to see from the outside.


Anonymous said...

That is so awesome, i'm excited to see more pics!! You should put some on snapfish or something too if you are able to :)

Shane Coffman said...

Sweet pics!

More! More! ; )

Anonymous said...

I like the slideshow at the top. You'll have to write more stories about the trip.