Sunday, March 9, 2008

33 Days and Counting

So lately with me working a ton during the week and spending a lot of time with Joyful over the weekends, we've been spending a lot of time working on planning for Europe. We spent about 4 hours tonight hanging out at The Mill planning and researching. We can't wait to go! Only 33 more days!

It'll be so great to see all the things we've seen in pictures, and then take our own pictures so that all of you can look at our pictures! I can't even fathom how many pictures we'll take there. We got ourselves extra batteries and a new, bigger memory card, so now we've got 3 1/2 Gig of memory for pictures, which I think will be about 2,000 pictures. Crazy stuff...

I learned tonight that one of the roads we'll go on in Rome was built in about 200 B.C. Seems to me that Lincoln can't even build a road that lasts longer than 4 years without having to be fixed...

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